winter hair care

Winter Hair Care Tips for Toddlers

As winter blankets Atlanta in frosty magic, it brings with it a set of challenges for parents, especially when it comes to caring for their toddlers’ hair. The cold, dry air can wreak havoc on delicate locks, leading to issues like dryness, breakage, and static. In this blog post, we’ll explore some essential tips for keeping your toddler’s hair healthy and happy during the chilly winter months.

Hydration is Key:

Cold air tends to be dry, and indoor heating systems only exacerbate this issue. Keep your toddler hydrated to combat the effects of dryness. Ensure they are drinking enough water and consider using a humidifier in their sleeping area to add moisture to the air.

Gentle Cleansing:

During winter, toddlers may not need frequent hair washing. Aim for a gentle cleansing routine, using a mild, moisturizing shampoo (like Original Sprout) to prevent stripping the hair of its natural oils. Consider washing their hair every 2-3 days or as needed.

Deep Conditioning:

Introduce a deep conditioning treatment into your toddler’s hair care routine. Look for a product specifically formulated for young children and use it once a week to provide extra moisture and combat dryness.

Original Sprout Hair Product Line - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

Avoid Overheating:

While it’s tempting to bundle up your toddler in layers during the winter, overheating can lead to sweating, which can contribute to scalp dryness. Dress them appropriately for the weather and ensure their head is comfortably covered with a breathable hat when venturing outdoors.

Protective Styles:

Consider styling your toddler’s hair in protective styles such as braids or twists. This can help minimize exposure to the harsh elements and reduce the risk of tangles and breakage.

Use a Wide-Tooth Comb:

Use a wide-tooth comb when detangling your toddler’s hair. This will prevent breakage and minimize any discomfort during the process. Start at the tips and work your way up to the roots.

Moisturize Regularly:

Invest in a quality, child-friendly leave-in conditioner to use between washes. Apply a small amount to damp hair to lock in moisture and keep their locks soft and manageable.

Trim Regularly:

Regular trims are essential for preventing split ends and maintaining healthy hair. Schedule routine haircuts at a salon that specializes in children to keep your toddler’s hair in optimal condition.

Protect from the Elements:

When heading outdoors, especially in extreme weather conditions, use a hat or hood to shield your toddler’s hair from wind, cold, and snow. This will help maintain moisture and prevent damage.


Boy getting haircut - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

Winter may present its own set of challenges, however with the right care routine, you can keep your toddler’s hair looking and feeling its best. By focusing on hydration, gentle cleansing, and protective measures, you’ll ensure that your child’s hair is healthy and resilient throughout the winter months.

We offer a child-friendly line of hair care products at Pigtails & Crewcuts Buckhead.