
Lice Alert: How to Handle and Prevent Infestations in Children

Discovering that your child has lice can be stressful and overwhelming, but it’s important to stay calm and take swift action to address the issue effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do if your child has lice:

1. Confirm the Diagnosis

Inspect your child’s scalp carefully for signs of lice, including small, sesame seed-sized insects crawling near the scalp, as well as tiny white or yellowish eggs (nits) attached to the hair shafts close to the scalp. You may also notice itching, redness, or small red bumps on the scalp and neck. If you suspect lice infestation, consult with your child’s pediatrician or school nurse for confirmation and guidance.

2. Inform Close Contacts

Notify anyone who has been in close contact with your child, such as family members, friends, or classmates, so they can check for lice and take appropriate precautions if necessary. Lice can easily spread through direct head-to-head contact or by sharing personal items like hats, combs, and hair accessories.

3. Treat the Infestation

Choose an appropriate lice treatment based on your child’s age, health condition, and the severity of the infestation. Over-the-counter lice shampoos or treatments containing pyrethrin or permethrin are commonly used to kill lice and their eggs. Follow the instructions carefully when applying the treatment and be sure to cover all affected areas of the scalp and hair. After treatment, use a fine-toothed lice comb to remove dead lice and nits from the hair shafts.

4. Clean and Disinfect

Thoroughly clean and disinfect any personal items that may have come into contact with lice, such as clothing, bedding, hats, hairbrushes, and hair accessories. Machine wash and dry clothing and bedding at high temperatures, and seal non-washable items in a plastic bag for at least 2 weeks to suffocate any remaining lice. Vacuum upholstered furniture and carpets and discard vacuum bags or clean the vacuum thoroughly afterward.

5. Prevent Reinfestation

Take steps to prevent lice from returning or spreading to others by following these precautions:

Encourage your child to avoid close head-to-head contact with others.

Instruct your child not to share personal items like hats, hairbrushes, combs, or hair accessories.

Teach your child good hygiene practices, such as washing their hands regularly and avoiding sharing personal items with others.

Perform routine head checks on your child and family members, especially if lice outbreaks occur at school or in the community.

6. Monitor and Follow-Up:

Keep an eye on your child’s scalp and hair for any signs of lice or nits in the weeks following treatment. It may be necessary to repeat the lice treatment or use additional combing techniques to ensure that all lice and eggs have been eliminated. If the infestation persists or if your child develops severe itching, irritation, or skin infections, consult with your pediatrician for further evaluation and treatment options.

Dealing with a lice infestation can be challenging, but with prompt treatment, thorough cleaning, and preventive measures, you can effectively manage the situation and help your child return to normal activities with confidence. Remember to seek support from healthcare professionals, school officials, and other parents if needed, and reassure your child that lice infestations are common and treatable.

Fun and Fabulous: Kid’s Salons in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, Georgia, is a vibrant city known for its rich culture, diverse communities, and family-friendly attractions. When it comes to grooming and pampering children, Atlanta offers kid’s salons that specialize in providing fun and fabulous haircuts and grooming experiences tailored specifically for children. From themed decor to entertainment, these salons go above and beyond to ensure that kids have a memorable and enjoyable salon visit. Let’s explore some of the top kid’s salons in Atlanta where your little one can enjoy a grooming adventure like no other. With multiple locations across Atlanta, Pigtails & Crewcuts is a beloved salon dedicated to serving children and their families. From the moment kids step into the salon, they are greeted with vibrant colors, playful decor, and a welcoming atmosphere. Each salon features vehiclethemed styling chairs, fun activities, treats, and kid-friendly movies to keep kids entertained during their haircut. With a team of experienced stylists who specialize in working with children, Pigtails & Crewcuts offers quality haircuts and grooming services tailored to each child’s individual needs.

1. Pigtails & Crewcuts in Smyrna: Haircuts for Kids

2355 Cumberland Pkwy SE Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30339

(678) 293-6020

2. Pigtails & Crewcuts in Buckhead: Haircuts for Kids

3802 Roswell Rd NE Suite D, Atlanta, GA 30342

(404) 963-5612


Exterior of Pigtails & Crewcuts Buckhead in Atlanta, GA

Pigtails & Crewcuts has earned a reputation as a community favorite in Atlanta, beloved by families for its exceptional service, friendly staff, and commitment to creating positive experiences for children. Whether it’s for a special occasion, a regular trim, or a first haircut milestone, families trust Pigtails & Crewcuts to deliver professional and memorable salon experiences time and time again. In conclusion, Pigtails & Crewcuts is more than just a salon—it’s a destination where kids’ haircuts become adventures. With its welcoming atmosphere, skilled stylists, entertainment options, focus on safety and comfort, and status as a community favorite, Pigtails & Crewcuts has earned its place as a beloved institution among families in Atlanta, Georgia. So why not treat your little one to a hair-raising adventure at Pigtails & Crewcuts?

Tiny Sparkles: Navigating the Safest Path to Ear Piercing for Little Princesses

Embarking on the journey of ear piercing for your little girl is a significant moment, filled with excitement and anticipation. As parents, ensuring the process is safe, comfortable, and memorable is paramount. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the safest ways to pierce a little girl’s ears, emphasizing the importance of proper hygiene, professional expertise, and your child’s well-being.

Choosing the Right Age

Determining the appropriate age for ear piercing is crucial. Most experts recommend waiting until a child is old enough to express the desire for ear piercings themselves. Typically, this falls around the age of 4 to 6. At this age, children are more likely to understand the process and express their preferences.

Smiling girl with braids at Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna/Vinings

Choosing Hypoallergenic Earings

Prioritize cleanliness throughout the entire process. Ensure that the earrings, piercing tools, and the environment are thoroughly sterilized. Many professional places use disposable, single use piercing instruments to maintain the highest standards of hygiene.

Sterilization and Hygiene

Prioritize cleanliness throughout the entire process. Ensure that the earrings, piercing tools, and the environment are thoroughly sterilized. Many professional places use disposable, single use piercing instruments to maintain the highest standards of hygiene.

Selecting a Professional Piercer

Seeking the services of a professional piercer with experience in pediatric ear piercing is crucial. Choose a reputable place that adheres to strict hygiene practices and employs trained professionals. They can guide you through the process, answer any questions, and ensure a safe and comfortable experience.

Smiling girl getting her ear pierced - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna/Vinings

Pain Management and Aftercare

Prioritize pain management and aftercare to ensure your child’s comfort and the healing process. Following the piercing, adhere to the aftercare instructions provided by the piercer, which typically involve cleaning the ears with a gentle solution and avoiding unnecessary touching.

Creating a Positive Experience

Frame the ear-piercing experience as a positive and exciting event for your little one. Consider involving them in the decision-making process, from selecting the earrings to choosing a special treat or reward for their bravery. Creating a positive association can make the experience memorable and enjoyable.

Girl getting her ear pierced - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna/Vinings

In conclusion, ear piercing is a milestone that, when approached with care, can create beautiful memories for both parents and children. By prioritizing safety, proper hygiene, and professional expertise, you can ensure a positive and comfortable ear-piercing experience for your little princess. As always, consult with healthcare professionals and trusted piercers to make informed decisions that prioritize your child’s well-being.

Call our salon to get details about ear piercing with Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna/Vinings.

Empowering Expression: Why Letting Your Kid Choose Their Own Hairstyle Matters

In the journey of parenting, there are numerous decisions to make, clothing, diet, and much more. One aspect that often sparks debate is the choice of hairstyle for your little one (or big one). While it might be tempting to dictate the ‘perfect’ haircut, there are compelling reasons to consider letting your child take the reins and choose their own hairstyle. Embracing their autonomy in this aspect of self-expression can foster confidence, creativity, and a sense of identity.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem:

Allowing your child to choose their own hairstyle can be a powerful tool in building their confidence and self-esteem. When children are involved in decisions about their appearance, it sends a message that their opinions and preferences matter. This sense of autonomy can boost their self-esteem and help them develop a positive self-image.

Encouraging Creativity:

Hairstyles are a form of artistic expression, and letting your child have a say in their look encourages creativity. Whether they elect bold colors, funky cuts, or something more traditional, the process of making decisions about their appearance can be a fun and imaginative experience. This creativity can extend beyond hairstyles and influence their approach to other aspects of life.

Fostering Independence:

As children grow, fostering independence becomes a crucial aspect of parenting. Allowing them to choose their own hairstyle gives them a sense of control over their personal choices. This independence can translate into other areas of their lives, teaching them responsibility and decision-making skills that will serve them well in the future.

Developing a Sense of Identity:

Hairstyles are a visible part of one’s identity. Allowing your child to choose their own hairstyle lets them explore and express who they are. It’s a way for them to experiment with different looks and find a style that resonates with their personality. This exploration contributes to the development of a strong sense of identity and self-awareness.

Promoting Open Communication:

Discussing and deciding on a hairstyle together opens avenues for communication between you and your child. It provides an opportunity to understand their preferences, interests, and the image they want to portray. This open dialogue helps build a stronger parent-child relationship based on trust and understanding.

Mom and daughter hugging - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

Respecting Individuality:

Every child is unique, and their choices, including hairstyles, reflect their individuality. Respecting and embracing these differences contribute to a more inclusive and tolerant society. By letting your child choose their own hairstyle, you are sending a message that celebrates diversity and promotes acceptance.

Little girl holding Dum Dums - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

In the grand tapestry of parenting, allowing your child to choose their own hairstyle might seem like a small detail, but its impact can resonate deeply. From building confidence and encouraging creativity to fostering independence and promoting open communication, the decision to let your child express themselves through their hairstyle is a step towards nurturing a well-rounded, self-assured individual. So, why not embark on this exciting journey of self-discovery with your child, one haircut at a time?

Visit our kid’s salon in the Smyrna/Vinings area. We are located off of Cumberland Parkway! 

Winter Hair Care Tips for Toddlers

As winter blankets Atlanta in frosty magic, it brings with it a set of challenges for parents, especially when it comes to caring for their toddlers’ hair. The cold, dry air can wreak havoc on delicate locks, leading to issues like dryness, breakage, and static. In this blog post, we’ll explore some essential tips for keeping your toddler’s hair healthy and happy during the chilly winter months.

Hydration is Key:

Cold air tends to be dry, and indoor heating systems only exacerbate this issue. Keep your toddler hydrated to combat the effects of dryness. Ensure they are drinking enough water and consider using a humidifier in their sleeping area to add moisture to the air.

Gentle Cleansing:

During winter, toddlers may not need frequent hair washing. Aim for a gentle cleansing routine, using a mild, moisturizing shampoo (like Original Sprout) to prevent stripping the hair of its natural oils. Consider washing their hair every 2-3 days or as needed.

Deep Conditioning:

Introduce a deep conditioning treatment into your toddler’s hair care routine. Look for a product specifically formulated for young children and use it once a week to provide extra moisture and combat dryness.

Original Sprout Hair Product Line - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

Avoid Overheating:

While it’s tempting to bundle up your toddler in layers during the winter, overheating can lead to sweating, which can contribute to scalp dryness. Dress them appropriately for the weather and ensure their head is comfortably covered with a breathable hat when venturing outdoors.

Protective Styles:

Consider styling your toddler’s hair in protective styles such as braids or twists. This can help minimize exposure to the harsh elements and reduce the risk of tangles and breakage.

Use a Wide-Tooth Comb:

Use a wide-tooth comb when detangling your toddler’s hair. This will prevent breakage and minimize any discomfort during the process. Start at the tips and work your way up to the roots.

Moisturize Regularly:

Invest in a quality, child-friendly leave-in conditioner to use between washes. Apply a small amount to damp hair to lock in moisture and keep their locks soft and manageable.

Trim Regularly:

Regular trims are essential for preventing split ends and maintaining healthy hair. Schedule routine haircuts at a salon that specializes in children to keep your toddler’s hair in optimal condition.

Protect from the Elements:

When heading outdoors, especially in extreme weather conditions, use a hat or hood to shield your toddler’s hair from wind, cold, and snow. This will help maintain moisture and prevent damage.


Boy getting haircut - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

Winter may present its own set of challenges, however with the right care routine, you can keep your toddler’s hair looking and feeling its best. By focusing on hydration, gentle cleansing, and protective measures, you’ll ensure that your child’s hair is healthy and resilient throughout the winter months.

We offer a child-friendly line of hair care products at Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna/Vinings.

Debunking Common Myths About Children’s Hair

As parents, we often find ourselves navigating a sea of advice when it comes to caring for our children, and one area that is full of myths and misconceptions is children’s hair care. From old wives’ tales to well-intentioned but misguided advice, it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. In this blog post, we’ll debunk some common myths about children’s hair and provide evidence-based insights to help you make informed decisions for your little one’s locks.

Myth 1: Cutting a Baby's Hair Makes It Grow Thicker

One of the most common myths surrounding children’s hair is the belief that cutting a baby’s hair will make it grow back thicker and fuller. However, the thickness and texture of a child’s hair are determined by genetics, not the act of cutting. Hair growth occurs at the hair follicles beneath the scalp, and cutting the visible part of the hair has no impact on the thickness or density.

Little boy getting haircut - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna
Girl getting her hair brushed - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

Myth 2: Brushing 100 Strokes a Day Promotes Healthier Hair

The notion that brushing a child’s hair 100 strokes a day will make it healthier is a myth rooted in the past. Excessive brushing can lead to breakage and damage, especially if done with force. Instead, opt for gentle brushing to detangle knots and distribute natural oils evenly. Over-brushing can strip the hair of its natural oils and result in a dry, brittle texture.

Myth 3: Shaving a Baby's Head Enhances Hair Growth

Like the myth about cutting a baby’s hair, some believe that shaving a baby’s head will stimulate hair growth. However, hair growth patterns are determined by genetics, and shaving a baby’s head won’t change this. It’s essential to allow your child’s hair to grow naturally and avoid unnecessary practices that may cause discomfort or stress.

Myth 4: Frequent Washing Is Necessary for Healthy Hair

Contrary to the belief that frequent hair washing is essential for maintaining healthy locks, young children typically do not need daily washing. Washing too frequently can strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to dryness and potential irritation. Instead, aim for a gentle cleansing routine based on your child’s hair type and activity level.

Fairy Tales Lifeguard Clarifying Shampoo and Fairy Tales Lemon-Aid Conditioner - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna/Vinings
Boy getting hair cut - Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna

Myth 5: Hair Loss in Children Is Always a Cause for Concern

While it can be alarming for parents to notice hair shedding in their children, it’s essential to differentiate between normal shedding and abnormal hair loss. Children naturally shed hair as part of the hair growth cycle. If you notice sudden or excessive hair loss, consult a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

By dispelling these common myths about children’s hair, parents can make more informed decisions and provide the best care for their little ones’ locks. Remember that each child is unique, and understanding their specific hair needs will contribute to a healthy and happy head of hair.

We offer a child-friendly line of hair care products at Pigtails & Crewcuts Smyrna/Vinings.