Haircuts for Kids with Sensory Issues
Every child has a unique experience when it comes to getting a haircut. While some kids are excited to visit Pigtails & Crewcuts, others may find it overwhelming or even a little frightening, especially those with special needs or sensory sensitivities. Our goal at Pigtails & Crewcuts is to ensure that every haircut is a positive and enjoyable experience. Our skilled stylists are prepared to assist you and your child through any challenges, like wiggling, tears, or anxiety, to ensure they not only look great but also feel great after the haircut. Discover how we can enhance the haircut experience for children with special needs and sensory differences, and explore some helpful tips to try before and after each haircut.
Preparing for the Haircut
First, know that our stylists have experience working with kids who need extra TLC when getting a haircut. We do this every day, so nothing is new to us. When planning your kid’s haircut, call us in advance and let us know if your child has any special needs or sensory differences that have made haircuts challenging. For instance, if noise or bright lights can overstimulate your child, letting us know ahead of time helps us prepare ahead of time so that we can work around that.
Keep your child’s schedule in mind and plan for a time of day when they are less likely to feel overwhelmed. Coming to the salon immediately after school when your child is overstimulated or exhausted from the day’s activities might not be the best idea. You can also give us a call to see when peak times are so you can plan to come when there are fewer people and less noise inside the salon.

Additional Tips
- Make haircuts routine events. Many children with special needs thrive with routines, so adding haircuts into your regular schedule can help them feel more comfortable. As a general guideline, most kids need a trim every six weeks.
- Book with the same stylist! This will provide an extra level of familiarity and routine.
- Talk to your children about the experience. Show them pictures and videos of other children getting haircuts, and explain to them what is happening.
- Consider bringing a fidget toy, your child’s favorite stuffed animal, or any other kind of comfort item.
During the Haircut

We’ll follow your lead in regard to what your child is comfortable with, taking care to avoid anything that makes your child scared or uncomfortable. Our stylists will consult with you at the beginning of the haircut to understand your child’s specific needs. For example, if your child doesn’t like their ears being touched, we may recommend a haircut that covers the ears. If you have a specific haircut in mind that you’re looking for, but are unsure of how to describe it, check out our haircut lingo guide!
It’s important for you to remember that we need open communication between you and your stylist so we can create the best experience for you and your child. If you know that there is something that could be bothersome or uncomfortable for your kid, don’t be afraid to speak up!
Our stylists have a few tricks up their sleeve to help calm your child’s fears or nerves and distract them from the haircut. From magnetic toys to games and silly songs, or even completing a haircut sitting on the couch or the floor, we’ll do everything in our power to keep your child comfortable so they leave with a great haircut and a smile.
After the Haircut
Once the haircut is finished, we can all celebrate your kid’s brand new haircut and praise them for being brave, even if there are some tears. For some children, getting a haircut is a really big deal, so a little praise can go a long way to set the stage for the next salon visit. We’ll also reward your child with a visit to the treasure chest for a special prize for a job well done!
Snap some pictures to help your child show off their brand new ‘do! The pictures both capture the memory and help remind your child of the great experience they had before their next visit to Pigtails & Crewcuts.
We know haircuts aren’t always easy, but our goal is to make each haircut better than the last. The tears and nerves may not go away in one visit, but we promise to work with you and your child to take what was once a scary event and turn it into something special over time. Contact us today to learn how we can make haircuts for children with special needs and sensory differences a better experience.
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